December 4th | Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine
December 4th | Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine
Your friend who says acupuncture cured her insomnia and skin problems. What about the one who says drinking bone broth helped her digestive issues go away? We’ve all heard about Eastern medicine, but how does it all work and where do you start?
It’s all about energy, how it flows and gets blocked in the body. Join us for Eastern medicine 101 as Dr. Mendake shares how she uses a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and seasonal foods to help her clients overcome imbalances in the body.
Some topics you’ll learn about:
How does acupuncture work?
What can acupuncture help heal in your body?
Nourishing winter foods for your body (based on traditional Chinese medicine)
Where? The Hivery
When? Wednesday, 12/4 7pm-8:30pm
Females only