January 24th | Your January Plan

January 24th | Your January Plan


what three words describe how you want to feel this year?

Sure, every year you write down some goals or intentions for the year ahead, but as the months go by you somehow lose sight of all of it. To have your brightest year yet, spend an evening with mindfulness teacher Alicia from Greyback and identify any patterns, habits, or decisions that didn’t work for you in 2024, try simple self-kindness meditation exercises, and decide what words will guide you to your future self as you reflect on who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have in 2025.

Join in on the conversation or be quietly part of the night, it’s whatever you need in the moment.

  • Welcome sips & snacks (15 mins). Nourish yourself with curated tea blend from family herbalist Gillian Fitch to get you clear and calm

  • Quiet your mind (10 mins). Alicia will guide you through a future self meditation to help you connect with what you want to do and feel this year

  • Journal (20 mins). Alicia will guide you through a set of questions to help you understand what to drop from ‘24 and start in ‘25 to have your brightest year yet

You’re allowed to evolve into something more beautiful.

Wear cozy clothes and bring your favorite journal!

When: Friday, January 24th, 7:30pm- 8:30pm

Where: Alicia’s house, Redding, CA

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