Your Inner Rest

We all do it, resist quieting ourselves.

For days or sometimes months, we look outside ourselves for answers to our questions, for joy, for that feeling of aliveness. I was listening to my favorite meditation teacher this morning (Sarah Blondin), and her words were so perfectly timed for me as I continue to try to truly rest in order to heal from my emergency c-section last week, and be in a strong emotional and physical state for when my newborn twins come home from the NICU in about a month. I want to do so many things to prep for this next chapter in my life, how is lying in bed the best thing?? So hard. I know we all do this, overdo, overextend, try to attain and accomplish to feel joy, rather than quieting ourselves.

“Come down to your soft spot more often,

because when we do we quiet inner war, free pain, we become radical in compassion & forgiveness. It’s where you come awake, where you meet the light that helps guide you through your life.” -Sarah Blondin

Your June Ritual

  1. Start by literally sitting on the floor (I like sitting cross-legged on a pillow against a wall)

  2. Next, close your eyes (you can set a timer if you want)

  3. Now breathe.

Just start there, no expectations (maybe for the month of June you sit every day at the same time). You will slowly stop creating drama inside your head, and you’ll be reminded that all you need is breath, patience, and willingness to understand you are always the answer you’re looking for.

Two meditations to start with

Accessing Your Stillness

Discovering Your Intrinsic Self

Creating a sacred space

Make it easier and more fun to practice everyday by creating a sacred space in your home, seeing the candle and journal and pillow will become your daily visual cues to go inward.

It works for me every damn time.

The moment I get overwhelmed or too Virgo (“must. check. things. off. my. list.”)… I sit. I always calmer with a better perspective on the situation, and I feel pure joy. Like, I’m already so good, I’m all I need, everything else is just extra. It’s an amazing feeling.

“You are the only one that can give yourself what you’re asking others for.”  -Sarah Blondin